Warning! this post might contain spoilers, abandon hope all ye who enter here!

Back in January Marvel launched its new Spider-Man title, Superior Spider-Man, after ending its Amazing Spider-Man series on issue #700. I have to say I was a little apprehensive going into the new Superior Spider-Man series, after my slight disappointment with how Amazing ended. Thinking to myself how odd it all felt that it really would not be Peter Parker as Spider-Man, but really Otto Octavious inside Peter's body. Yeah they almost did the same thing with the Ultimate Spider-Man franchise, but that was a different universe, and they out right killed Peter and replaced him with another kid. I also worry about what Otto is going to do as Spider-Man, will he truly be Superior?

It starts out with Peter, Otto, placing flowers on the grave of Otto Octavious, Peter, head hurting yet? Yeah I know. So it is his first day on the job as Spider-Man and who does he end up having a showdown with? A group of super villains calling themselves, dun dun dun, The Sinister Six. As you could imagine this does not go over well with Otto, because we know it is really Otto I'm just going to call him that from now on to relieve some confusion. This new group consists of Overdrive, Beetle, Speed Demon, The Living Brain, Shocker, and the acting leader Boomerang. I have to agree with Otto here, a pretty lame assortment of baddies, as he takes out the living brain first. But Speed Demon ends up being a big problem for him and he tries to run. I did not see that coming, but just as he was swinging away, Boomerang throws a nitro-rang which Otto dodges. But it turns in the air and starts flying toward a police officer. Otto dives tackling him and taking the exploding boomerang to the back, and he does not even know why he did it. As he recovers, Boomerang tries to slice him up with a razorang. I have to hand it to him, he picked a theme and is really sticking to it. But Otto slashes him with some claws he built into his new suit, and then the villains decide to hightail it. All in all an exciting beginning, blood, explosions, themed weaponry, and that is only eight pages.

Later we find out that when Otto slashed Boomerang it injected him with nano bots with GPS and audio transmitters. These will let him know where they are and what they are planning next, allowing him to plan accordingly well in advance. And plan he did. He takes out Speed Demon first, then with a power dampening field takes out the rest, save Boomerang. With the press watching he starts to pound on Boomerang, showing everyone that this Spider-Man is not one to be trifled with. I won't reveal what happens, but I want to say I was really surprised with this issue. Perhaps Otto can be a Superior Spider-Man, but he still has a long way to go in my eyes.
If you were not happy with the ending of Amazing, I suggest reading this issue it might ease your mind.
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