Thanks to a string of events and a well placed spy, the King Pin got a hold of a Spider Sense jamming device that had been modified to heighten the sense to the point it was driving Peter crazy. Everything was a danger, then while fighting two hobgoblins he was able to focus enough to shut out the sense and fight. While all of this was happening Doctor Octopus, who is in critical condition, was able to control a small octobot, and while Peter was focusing on fighting and not using his Spider Sense snuck up and used it to switch bodies with Peter. He managed to do this by switching brain waves, thus resulting in the ultimate fate of Peter Parker.
The final issue of ASM is Peter inside the slowly dying body of Doc Ock while trying his best to switch bodies back with Otto, who is living it up as Peter Parker and trying to start things with Mary Jane. Peter, with the help of some villains who believe he is Doc Ock, break into the police station to steal an octobot for himself. While the villains cause havoc with officers, Peter goes to find the bot, and gets caught by none other then Carlie, his ex-girlfriend. Peter tries desperately to convince Carlie that he is indeed Peter but she does not buy it and Peter has to escape with the octobot. Now that is not everything, but I am not going to go and tell the entire issue to you, it is an extra large issue, I was very happy they did that.
Now how they ended it (and here is the big spoiler if you have not read it yet) with Peter failing to switch back and dying was very hard to take. I was not happy with it, but he was able to make Otto see the error of his ways and get him to promise to live as Peter and Spider-Man as best he could. Hard to believe, but it happened. I was not happy with the last issue, I was hoping that he was going to switch, or die some other way more heroically. But then thinking on it, he did die a hero, he saved the people he loved from a mad scientist. You might think, why didn't he use the bot to switch with someone else? Because that is not Peter, doing that would condemn that person to die, and he would never do that.

That is it, that is how he dies. It's sad and upsetting that a hero we lived with for a such very long time dies in such a way. Replaced by a villain he fought with almost his entire life. But a villain no more, haunted by the emotional memories of Peter's past he swears to become Spider-Man. But being the arrogant person that is Otto Octavious, he swears to be a better Spider-Man then Peter ever was, which is what I will be talking about next time... To Be Continued with
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