Sunday marked the end of the third season of The Walking Dead, AMC's hit television drama loosely based on the popular comic of the same name. I was disappointed with how it ended, it was very anticlimactic. The episode started strong with some action and explosions and then took a swan dive into drawn out dialog followed by some more dialog. Then they went to Woodbury to strike back and just ended up with more talking. Oh and the "Governor" went from pretty crazy to just plain insane and shot all the people he took with him to hit the prison, just because they ran and did not want to die. I really like the show but the season ender really did not empress me at all. This season was not as impressive as the last two, and did not boast the same amount of zombies, sorry 'walkers', as the previous seasons. It was more talking then anything else, and grasping to find different ways to shock the audience.

Game of Thrones on the other hand started its third season Sunday, at the same time as the Walking Dead finale. I watched GoT first and then stayed up to watch the re-showing of WD, let me say I partly regret the decision to stay up and should have just gone to bed. GoT season premier was by far more entertaining, I am more of a fantasy geek so yeah my opinion might be slightly biased. The show has so many intertwining stories that I tend to only pay attention to my favorite characters, John Snow, Tyrion Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen and Arya. The show really took off for me during the second season, when they really started to ramp up the fantasy element. And now with Daenerys having her dragons and making a war path, it is really shaping into an exciting season already.
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